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The Anamosa Tidbits: 2019 May
Resident/family Satisfaction Surveys will be mailed in the next couple weeks. Please watch for the survey and return it in the pre-addressed and stamped envelope. Thank you! New meal prices beginning 5/1/2019: Meal-$8.00 Holiday Meal-$10.00 Brunch-$8.00 We ask that you call 24 hours in advance if you plan to have...
Casi Strube—Administrator Traci Clark—DON Vickie Jacobsen—Assistant Director Of Nursing Liz Frickson—Administrative Assistant Tonya Woods—Restorative Nurse Ashley Wirth—-Environmental Service Susan Walker—Dietary Supervisor Nancy Pisarik—Dietary Consultant Lori Jensen—Social Services Jenni Grassi—Hair Stylist Jessica Geiger—Director/ Woodland Park Dr. Katherine Meyers—Medical Director Brooke Etten—Recreation Program Director Jobi Gangestad—Scheduler/Medical records Adam Gersdorf– Maintenance
The resident s enjoyed the play at Starlighters, The Clown Car! Mamye English grandson was one of the detectives! She was excited to see him perform! Our ladies that volunteer and help fold napkins for laundry everyday! The residents made crayon flower boutiques to hang on their doors! They had...
*All the residents that help fold laundry; fold newsletters; and labeled the newsletter; sat and visit with other residents; and helped with special activity projects. *Jan Allaire, Wilma Anderson, Galen Lehr, Carol , Carol Pate for helping with Friday Bingo / Happy Hour *Jan Koppenhaver, Karen Biere, Carol Pate and...
5-13 Vickie Jacobsen
Breonna Lovell RCT Savanna Toomer RCT Holly Kirby RCT Nicki Armstrong RN Glenda Morse Universal Worker at Woodland Park
5-1-97 Vickie Jacobsen 5-23-02 Jamie Redmond 5-17-07 Autumn Wisnewski 5-28-09 Lisa Winch 5-14-14 Ashley Wirth 5-9--16 Alyssa Kemp-Priest 5-16-16 Laci VanDom 5-18-16 Karli Oltmanns 5-26-17 Alexandra Fish 5-2-18 Allison Payne 5-4-18 Jobi Gangstead 5-16-18 Jadyn Bartels 5-22-18 Caitlyn Cruise 5-22-18 Alisha Braden 5-25-18 April Valentine
5-7 Mildred Coberly 5-7 Harold Day (Max) 5-10 Renee Colbert 5-18 Clarence Brown 5-20 Virginia Harris 5-25 Lorance Weers
Kathryn Glick Annabelle Marsh
National Nursing Home Week is May 12-18. Even though we celebrate our residents and staff everyday, this is a special week for our healthcare field. This year’s theme is Live Soulfully. That week we have a lot of really fun events: Sunday— Mother’s Day Brunch Monday—Game Day (resident entertainment) Tuesday—Staff...
On this day in 1955 McDonalds opened up. To celebrate some of the tenants ordered their favorite sandwiches and of course some famous French fries! April 12th was National Grilled Cheese Day. The tenants enjoyed gourmet grilled cheese and bloody marys. They were a hit! Tenants making crayon spring bouquets!...
Families, please help our residents SPIRNG CLEAN! Please stop by to exchange clothes for the season change and remove unwanted items from the facility. We kindly ask that our family members help participate in this task to allow the residents ample time to review clothing and items. Just A Reminder...