Changes in Visitation!
We are excited to announce some changes to our visitation!!
*Visitors of residents with a roommate must go directly to and from the designated visiting area in activity room upon completion of the screening.
*Visitors for residents with a private room can have their visitation in the resident’s room, aslong as they go directly to and from the room.
*If the resident is fully vaccinated (two weeks have passed since their second vaccine) they can choose to have close contact (including touching) with their visitor while wearing a well-fitting face masks and performing hand hygiene before and after.
*May occur for residents that are asymptomatic and not confirmed COVID-19 positive and not in quarantine.
*Visitors must be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 at the front door, wear a mask, complete hand hygiene, and maintain 6 feet of social distance.
*Children may come in and visit. Please have a mask for children 2 and older.
Our link to schedule an appointment is below- If these times do not work for you- give us a call and we will set something up that works for your schedule!