Administrator's Desk
COVID Update for Anamosa Care Center
We are in a COVID outbreak currently. We had our first positive resident on 01/10/2022, and then numbers began to rise quickly. Majority of the residents were asymptomatic or had very mild symptoms. We do believe that the 100% vaccination status of our residents has contributed to that factor. Here we are on 01/27/2022, and our numbers are trending down drastically and today during our routine testing we had ZERO positive residents AND staff. We currently test every Monday and Thursday and will continue to do so until we have 14 days of no positive residents and staff. If anyone becomes symptomatic, they are also tested at that time. I am very proud of our staff and how they have all composed themselves and done their job during this change. Here’s to hoping we can go back to communal dining and activities in the next couple weeks and return to some normalcy. Thank you all for your understanding, patience and the praise you give our staff during this trying time.