Hello Everyone!

Happy February, love is in the air! We have made it through the first month of the year and we have survived the snow as well! I hope that Phil the groundhog DOESN’T see his shadow so we can have some warmer weather.

I have quite a few fun activities in store for this month. Starting off we are going to be making some decorations for the upcoming Valentine’s Day, making some trail mix for the residents and the staff. We will be having our Valentine’s Day Party as well as celebrating Mardi Gras and President’s Day. For the last couple months we have been having some students from Anamosa Middle School come and play Bingo with the residents and it has become a huge hit, so they will be joining us again this month.

Our Bible Study group is still looking for more people to join on the two Monday’s that they come. If you are interested in coming to this group it’s at ten o’clock on Monday the 13th and 27th. They would love for anyone to join them!

I hope everyone has a great February. Stay healthy and have a great Valentine’s Day!

Hailee Adams

Activity Director