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The Anamosa Tidbits: February Newsletter ACC 2019
Welcome to February! We made it thru all the bitter cold and wind chills with only a few frozen pipes and maintenance problems that Adam Gersdorf, our new maintenance director, has been handling for us. Our residents have stayed toasty warm and enjoyed the snow falling, remembering their winters past...
Casi Strube—Administrator Traci Clark—DON Vickie Jacobsen—Assistant Director Of Nursing Liz Frickson—Administrative Assistant Tonya Woods—Restorative Nurse Ashley Wirth—-Environmental Service Susan Walker—Dietary Supervisor Nancy Pisarik—Dietary Consultant Lori Jensen—Social Services Jenni Grassi—Hair Stylist Jessica Geiger—Director/ Woodland Park Dr. Katherine Meyers—Medical Director Brooke Etten—Recreational Program Director Jobi Gangestad—Scheduler/Medical records Adam Gersdorf– Maintenance
7-12 Woodland Park Brunch 10:00 am -12:00 pm Resident Council Meeting February 20th @ 2pm
*All the residents that help fold laundry; fold newsletters; and labeled the newsletter; sat and visit with other residents; and helped with special activity projects. *Jan Allaire, Wilma Anderson, Galen Lehr, Carol , Carol Pate for helping with Friday Bingo / Happy Hour *Jan Koppenhaver, Karen Biere, Carol Pate and...
Allison Payne When did you start working for the Anamosa Care Center? May, 2018 Where do you live (town)? How long have you lived there? I live in Cedar Rapids and have been there for 2 years. I grew up in a small town called Mechanicsville, Iowa and moved to...
2-2 Eleanor Peine 2-12 Alta Gilbert 2-13 Patsy Jackson 2-23 Virgina Kouba
Mary Jane Smith Marry Ann Gates Carron Bungum Shirley Goetzinger
2-4 Marie Ganoe 2-7 Brooke Etten
Taylor Rundle Universal Worker Felicity McCoy RCT Kelsie Etten RN Carrie Mackey RN Carla Rich LPN
Nikki Siebels 2-4-14 Ashley Pearson 2-21-14 Chase Pyse 2 -16-18 Matt Wirth 2-19-18 Tina Hunt 2-28-18
The resident’s enjoying a great brunch with friends and family! Happy Anniversary Loras & Nadine! 72 years together!
The resident’s playing their Thursday UNO game! Some fun crafts the resident made!
ATTENTION VISITORS/FAMILIES If you are having any signs/symptoms of the flu we are asking that you do not visit your loved one until you are well. We are trying to protect our residents from getting these illnesses. If you have any questions/comments or concerns, please see the nurse in charge...