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The Anamosa Tidbits: June 2018
We had a great week during National Nursing Home Week! Many fun and exciting events, including the many residents that threw a pie at the Administrator! HAHA!!! We will be celebrating Father’s Day with a Father’s Day BBQ. Sunday, June 17, 2018 Noon Anamosa Care Center/Woodland Park Assisted Living Courtyard...
*All the residents that helped fold laundry; fold newsletters; and labeled the newsletter; sat and visit with other residents; and helped with special activity projects. *Jan Allaire, Wilma Anderson, Galen Lehr, Carol , for helping with Friday Bingo / Happy Hour *Jan Koppenhaver, Karen Biere and Jan Allaire (Lutheran Ladies)...
We would enjoy the company of all those who wish to voice their opinion and/or concerns at our next council meeting on June 20th at 2:00pm. Hope to see you there.
6-3 Heartland Band 3:00 pm 6-13 Fishing Trip 2:00 pm 6-16 Pet Visits 10:00 am Dave Poggenklass 12:30 6-17 Father's Day BBQ 12:00 6-20 Resident Council Meeting 2:00 pm
Resident Bingo is a huge activity here at the Care Center. It’s every Friday in the afternoon in the dinning area. This activity is funded by donations made from family members and friends who bring items in for the prize cart or they will donate money to be used to...
We have been enjoying the beautiful works of Pat, one of our residents family members. There are 2 shelves to use to display things. If you have anything you wish to display please contact Lisa at Woodland Park. We would love to see your collectables, hand work or anything else...
We had a great Nursing Home Week! We had lots of fun activities through out the week! What do we do at the Care Center on Nursing Home Week, you ask? We have a day where we get to throw pies in Casi, Kathy, Susan and Vickie's faces!! The residents...
1. Name and job title: Linda Jackson, Housekeeping 2. When did you start working for the Anamosa Care Center? I worked for the care center before, but I started back in July of 2017. 3. Where do you live (town)? How long have you lived there? Morley, Iowa I been...
Jobi Gangestad……………Scheduler Jadyn Bartels………………Dietary Aide Felicia Bickford……………Dietary Aide Arletta Henry………………Cook Alisha Braden……………..RCT Caitlyn Cruise………………RCT Danna Rheinschild………RCT April Valentine……………RCT
Lynnea Clark
Lawrence Davidson 6-2 Nancy Martin 6-7 Nadine McNamara 6-19 Roberta Bertling 6-20 Sharon Gerjets 6-26
Dallas Urbain 6-13 Brookelyn Keating 6-13 Jeanette Smith 6-14 Ashlyn Fortune 6-26 Tabitha Carlson 6-26 Tia Soupene 6-26 Isabelle Jacobsen 6-28
Erin Devilbliss 6-4-01 Megan Norton 6-5-17 Susie Kurtz 6-9-86 Emily Kroemer 6-13-16 Kathy Wenger 6-14-17 Julie Braphy 6-15-17 Shila Ehlts 6-21-11 Felicia Vega 6-28-17