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The Anamosa Tidbits: March 1, 2021
Indoor visits are now being scheduled! Per regulatory guidance we are expected to have visits scheduled in advance and very much appreciate you working with us through this difficult time. Please give us 24-hour notice when scheduling as we don’t always see last minute sign ups. Visits can be scheduled...
Spring is upon us!! We are excited to see the snow melt and green grass pop. There are many things to look forward to this month. Daylight saving, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, and the first day of spring! Residents will be celebrating St. Patrick throughout the month as they will...
Sunshine and warmer weather! What a beautiful change we have enjoyed in the weather! This year has been one of many changes and struggles and with the new season is coming we have had some changes here at the Anamosa Care Center. We are pleased to have opened 30 minute...
Happy Social Work Month to our very own, Lori Jensen Lori has been working in nursing homes for 30 years, 11 as a consultant. She graduated from UNI with a BA in Social Work with a specialty in Gerontology. She enjoys working with seniors as their lives are so interesting...
Resident Birthdays Roberity Hearity- March 2nd Connie Hultquist- March 10th Donna Albnin- March 18th Allen McCloy- March 19th Wilma Franz- March 27th Shirley Goetzinger- March 30th Staff Birthdays Traci Clark- March 3rd Rachael Eversole- March 4th Jamie Raymond- March 12th Alyssa McDonnell- March 28th
Celebrating March Irish American Heritage Month Women’s History Month National Social Worker Month Employee Appreciation Day March 5th International Women’s Day March 8 Registered Dietician Day March 10th Mothering Sunday March 14 St. Patrick’s Day March 17 First Day of Spring March 20th World Poetry Day March 22 National Physicians...