Indoor visits are now being scheduled! Per regulatory guidance we are expected to have visits scheduled in advance and very much appreciate you working with us through this difficult time. Please give us 24-hour notice when scheduling as we don’t always see last minute sign ups. Visits can be scheduled by clicking the singupgenius link below or calling the facility at 319-462-4356. We recommend scheduling online to better see available dates and times. (If the link does not load  copy and paste the link into a new URL)

These visits will be held Monday-Friday from 10:00 am – 3:15 pm. Visits will be scheduled for 30 minutes, will be limited to 3 visitors at a time, and visitors must be 18 years or older. If the timeframes do not work for your schedule, please call and we will do our best to accommodate.

Upon arrival we will ask the COVID screening questions and take your temperature. All visitors must wear PPE the entire time while in the building. Visits will be held in the activity room with a clear plastic curtain in between the visitor and resident.  Staff need 15 minutes between visits to clean and disinfect the area.

We look forward to seeing you!